Tag: conflict

  • An Attack on the Innocent

    An Attack on the Innocent

    Yesterday, we woke up to the news that Hamas had attacked Israel, targeting a peaceful festival, women, and children, and leaving utter destruction in their path. The history of this Middle East conflict is complex, but the difference between good and evil yesterday wasn’t.

  • Standing Up and Speaking Out

    Standing Up and Speaking Out

    Monday was our first baseball executive meeting where we would all be in attendance to reflect on our season. There was a lot to address and plenty to work on over the winter months. Unfortunately, this work will happen without our leader of 25 years.

  • The Rejection You Have Already Preconceived

    The Rejection You Have Already Preconceived

    I learned the other day that a former colleague had passed away over the holidays. I knew he was sick but you always hope they recover.