Tag: a christmas story

  • My Purpose Within This Craft?

    My Purpose Within This Craft?

    My wife bought me the sequel to A Christmas Story – A Christmas Story Christmas – for well, Christmas. I finally had a chance to watch it., and I was not disappointed after a year of anticipation.

  • A Christmas Story in Almost February

    A Christmas Story in Almost February

    Staring at the snow falling in the end credits, listening to the music, the tree aglow in the window, and the old car in the driveway, all take me to a place of bliss.

  • Holiday Heathens

    Holiday Heathens

    I am not Christian – or religious for that matter. I believe faith is important. I love learning about different religions and traditions. 

  • Fvck You!, Sir.

    Fvck You!, Sir.

    Three outbursts stand out in the flash of my youth. Well, there is more but attaching myself to a fence with a faceful of tears is kind of cute. I mean I loved my teacher.