I made my way downstairs for 5:30 AM, and devoured as much food as I could stomach that early, before my 6 AM cutoff. Breakfast consisted of, eggs, yogurt, and cereal. I barely finished it in time, but my last bite was at 6 AM on the nose. At that point, I just went about my morning as usual, minus skipping out on mid-morning snack time.
At noon, I had to take 4 Ducolax tablets. The box doesn’t recommend taking more than two, but doctors orders. I had no idea how this was going to hit me so I made sure to say no to any requests for rides. I didn’t want to be driving and have this sudden urge to empty my bowels. I remember having to urgently rush to the bathroom during my last procedure in my twenties so caution was the game plan for the day.
At 3 PM, it was finally time to start taking the thick paste and up to that point, it was smooth sailing. I poured myself a cup of yum and a glass of water to help me down it, and headed back to my desk.
I used a straw as recommended and after trying to just take a gulp, the straw did help but you can’t make salad taste like filet mignon.
It took me until 11 PM to finally finish my last litre of Peglyte. I had from 3 PM to 12 AM to drink the first 3 of 4 litres, and most of that feat was likely achieved over the last two hours when I realized I was not making good progress. Nasty stuff.
It felt good to finally lay in bed, because I had been sitting at the kitchen table that last hour or so powering through. It didn’t mean I didn’t have to get up a few times before being able to nod off, but I was beat.
One more litre to go in the morning. I’ve got this.