Up To Here

Perhaps it was because after a couple of weeks of mostly being alone all day with Roo, I had finally hit my limit. She is cute and all, but fighting with Finny and the ear-peircing barking, finally caused my fiery cranium to explode away from the rest of my body. I was yelling, banging, and carrying on. This dog wouldn’t stop. She needed that farm, now.

This is nothing against anyone else or a rush to get her out of here. We all have our breaking points and today was it. Finny and I were up to here (points at kneck), with frustration.

It’s my fault too. I just wanted to spend some time this morning after a week of feeling unwell, doing a bit of writing over a coffee, but Roo was telling me that today was not the day for idle dogs. I wasn’t listening, and she was making sure I knew.

Another issue is keeping her from digging for gold in the cat litter, and the fact that I am unable to keep her off my head when I sit on the couch when she get’s the bouncy’s (zoomy’s just doesn’t cut it as a descriptor for Roo’s furnature hoping in her wild state of energetic release). I’ve never seen an animal with this kind of energy. The other day Abby was lying down watching television on the couch, and I had to throw a blanket over her face so Roo didn’t stop on her and poke her eye out. She hadn’t had her nails trimmed at that moment and they were ouchy little weapons.

I (we), all survived the day. I am not sure how we did, but she is curled up in a ball in her chair with every last bit of energy finally drained from her soul. It only takes 12 hours of craziness a day.

On day’s like this, I’m ready to drive her east myself, but there are many moments where I am reminded that this time will be short, and that I will miss the times when she pauses long enough to expose the sweet love in those adorable little eyes. Then she starts tear-assing around the living room and I set my stop-watch.

Thankfully, this cold stretch is supposed to break so we will be able to get her out more. That and soon she will be safe to meet other dogs who can assist Finny and I in the tiring out of one hyperactive pooch.

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