Filling in the Blanks

It was a late night for Tara, with her getting a call about a break-in at her work just before midnight, which turned into her not getting home from talking with the police until around 3 AM. 

For both of us, it was a relaxing day and for me, I spent time drinking coffee and catching up on this blog.

I have never been so far behind as I am now, and it’s made me ask myself why I still feel the need to have a post for every day when the purpose of this years entry’s is supposed to be about home rennovations and organization, and not penning a piece every day or some daily word limit.

Perhaps it’s because there is a sense of pride seeing no blanks over 400+ straight days? Even though many later posts have been penned after the fact, they are date-marked, I have kept quick notes to make it easier to go back and write about that day. 

As I write this I am still four days behind which isn’t a lot with most posts averaging around 300 words, but I seem to be torchering myself trying to keep up with daily posts. Life happens. Like being very sick as most of us in our household are today (18th). It’s been 24 hours right out of Stand By Me, without the joy of at least gorging on blueberry pie beforehand.

Perhaps I don’t want to get out of the habit of writing frequently because when past blogs were active, I would go months sometimes in between posts. Maybe these daily shorts aren’t anything literary, but in the pursuit of penning that first novel, having 160K+ words to pull from on this blog certainly isn’t a hindrance to that goal.

For now, I guess I am just not ready to give up on the daily posts. Not that they are technically daily given that today, I’ve penned four posts alone to fill in the blanks.

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