Relief From Worry

With the temperatures tempting zero and the days quickly turning to night, I am getting a little stressed about winterizing the trailer and the boat. 

I promised to take Abby to Value Village tonight so she and her friends could find some used items to fulfill their group Halloween costume needs. They are going as characters from The Office so that should be fun. Hayleigh decided to join them so she got some items for her friends group costume which is 1920’s themed with a Peaky Blinders influence. There is a bit of a Cillian Murphy obsession in our household.

With Emma helping her friends with their resumes, I headed down to start the boat winterizing task. I already had things like lower unit oil and the tool for the job, fogging oil, a muffler to hook up the water, and gas, so I just needed to pick up some gas treatment, damprid for moisture, and some moth balls to discourage the critters from making a home over the winter, and I was ready to go. Don’t let me forget dryer sheets for the motor and around the boat as an extra precaution.

I was hoping to get it all done tonight but I got talking to my cousin and the battery needs to be charged anyway, so I topped up the gas and treated it, ran the hose to the boat as well as an extension cord for the trickle charger, and all the supplies are loaded and ready to complete the job. I do have a portable battery booster but it was also not charged enough to start the motor. 

It was raining on and off all night anyway, so the fact that I have started the job and everything is ready gives me some relief from worry. 

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