Our Abby Rose

Abigail has always been funny and courageous and the first to try new things. Anxiety took this from her around the age of 5 in some aspects of her life, but in others she was still curious and eager to succeed at certain tasks like riding a bike with no training wheels and in fact, beat her older sister by about two weeks at this feat. 

She has overcome fears to ride scary roller coasters, jump off cliffs into the waters below, and play hockey to the point of being an amazing skater. She pushes herself at baseball every week where anxiety still rears its ugly head sometimes but when confidence strikes, she can catch with the best of them and knock one out of the infield. 

Abby is a wonderful help around the house. Remember post 217 – The Magic Vacuum? She also does her own laundry and ours sometimes, spends hours cleaning her room, and jumps in to help every opportunity she gets. It’s these skills that show through all of these years of playing sports, that she understands the value and importance of a team effort. Sometimes you have to be a back catcher and sometimes you have to do the dishes. Many people despise these roles, but they are all vital to the success of our sport and family units.

One fear that Abby carried that I always worried about, was years of saying she didn’t want to go to high school. It didn’t help that she was away during the summer grade 9 orientation session, so I went and took videos and photos of the halls and rooms so that she would know where to go. I am filled with joy at how Abby rocked grade 9. Her grades were amazing – accept art – she tried out for the girls baseball team, and has a wonderful friend group. I couldn’t be prouder of how far she has come.

I cannot believe my baby is 15 years old today. What I wouldn’t give to squeeze those chubby cheeks again but then again, how thrilling it is to watch her grow into a loving,  giving, little storm trooper. Well, not so little as she is almost as tall as me.

Thank you kiddo, for giving me the gift of the experiences that we have shared together. I wish I could take back all of the anxieties you have had to push through but then again, look at the strong, smart person that has come out of the other side of fear. I know pushing through hasn’t been easy, but you are a living example of the joy in finding a way to overcome the dragon’s that bully us with their bad breath. They’re no match for you. Always remember that.

I hope you have the most amazing day, Abby. I love you to the ends of the universe and back. 

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