Today, I was reminded of a skit from the 90’s sitcom, Friends, where Chandler wants to quit the gym although for us, it was music lessons.
Abby has been taking drum lessons since February of last year, and Emma has been learning the guitar for almost that long I believe. It’s been a Monday afternoon tradition, but come summer, it does get a little busy with baseball and vacations.
A couple of weeks back, Abby mentioned putting lessons on hold for the summer as she wanted to spend time with friends, and if Emma get’s her job, she won’t be able to make it.
I worry about canceling lessons. The hope is to start back up in the fall but as life passes us by, you realize sometimes things happen. I hope it’s not the end of these weekly music store ventures, but I’ll enjoy the next couple of weeks like they are the last time we do this together.
With the girls stuff from their moms in our garage and nothing really set up where they are living with their mom now, It’s impossible for Abby to practice and for Emma, with balancing therapy and lessons and everything else, I’m sure she could use a break and a chance to just be a teenager for the summer.
This past Saturday, Emma took part in the annual recital the lesson store puts on for families. She has taken part in both of them since starting her lessons. Abby on the other hand, has missed both. Thanks, anxiety.
I hope Abby gets back into lessons if only to prepare for the next recital. I don’t think we have ever seen Abby do a solo performance of any kind. This was Emma’s third I believe.
What an accomplishment that would be.