I headed up to the trailer for the afternoon on a mission. Today, I was going to make the first cut on this massive chunk of butcher block that came with the trailer – unopened. The thing weighs a ton and for the past few weeks, it’s taken a lot of energy to continually move it out of the way.
I spread out 4 saw horses, got everything ready, had my sister help me centre the wood on the supports, and proceeded to make my first cut.
Deep breath.
It turned out horrible. Luckily, I had cut the smallest edge because when I searched out how to do this, I didn’t think about using a better blade in the circular saw so I was off to find new blades including one with more teeth for my reciprocating saw as well.
On my way back to the trailer, I had given some thought as to how I was going to handle the bad cut because I was going to have just enough for the kitchen and bathroom counters, and the kitchen table so there was little room for error.
This new blade cut like a charm. The saw itself was working very hard to cut through this very thick material but within a half hour, I had sanded the edges and put the countertop in its place so there was at least something there when our guests came for tomorrow’s festivities.
There were no holes cut for the sink and faucet, and the edging wasn’t attached to the cut sides, but it was still a thing of beauty.
What a feeling. I couldn’t hold back my excitement. I had never cut a countertop before and this my friends, had me elated.
Let’s see if we can finish this job next weekend.