No. That is not a play on words. Water became a theme all on its own accord today.
Our story starts out at the ballpark. I was asked if I could grab some cases of water that were on sale for our canteen, and I agreed I would do it on the way home from my appointment.
I picked up 10 cases on the way home, but about half-way into unloading, one of our execs noticed they were store brand and not Nestle which our customers ask for by name. It was no big deal, we would need a ton of water for our fun day in August so it wouldn’t go to waste, but now we were no further ahead so I offered to go back out to grab more. The problem with Neslte, is that it was a maximum of 6 cases per purchase so I had to stop at two stores across town from one another to complete the task.
After two hours of water shopping, I headed up to the trailer because I needed to move our boat for a big event at our Villa on the weekend. I’ve also been eager to find time to start de-winterizing it and getting it ready to use anyway.
The place where I store it is right next to the bushes, and the mosquitos have been horrible this year so the trees were literally a buzz with swarms of them. There might have been some cursing and a lot of dancing, but I got it off of blocks, hooked up, and over to our site to do a few things before moving it to a different spot.
Much to my dismay when I removed the winter cover, the boat was filled with water. The gas can I put on the seat so that the cover tents to allow the water to run off, fell over so with water sitting on the cover for perhaps a long period of time, it all started to seep through. So, I filled the tires up, pulled the plug, and parked it in a new spot on an angle so it would drain.
I didn’t get home until quite late but when I did, the bathroom floor had many puddles which I thought was just the result of a messy shower taker, but it turns out the one hose on the sink was leaking. I turned off the water, tightened the hose, and that seemed to do the trick so I could turn it on for showers and such in the morning.
There are no shutoffs on this tap though so I am going to tackle that tomorrow because the furnace is below the bathroom and that’s all I need is to wreck a relatively new heating system.