A Grumpy Arse

Yes. I’m talking about me. I feel like I’m mad at everything. I got pissed at the police officer directing traffic away from a side street we use to access ours. There are other entrances to our neighbourhood but the one-ways and no left turns do make it a pain in the butt. I told my girls I wasn’t mad at the officer. I just wish the city would better communicate these film shoots.

I was driving home from taking the girls to school, and there was a camera boom in the middle of the street trying to park in the far lane. A plain clothes gentleman yells at me to stop, so I do. Then a guy with a traffic vest further down tells me to proceed, and a bit of a back and forth happens. “Stop. Go.” Fvck.

I am not sure why I’m so pissy. Work hasn’t been a cause of stress. Home life is good. The sun shines for more minutes each day. Everyone is healthy. I also just finished Matthew McConaughey’s book, and enjoyed an afternoon of him talking about it and how we can work to see more Greenlights in our own lives.

I go for two walks a day now with having multiple dogs to care for so although I can afford to lose weight and I should eat better, I’m quite mobile between walks and fixing things around the house and now at our trailer as the warmer weather sets in.

So what’s the deal? Why am I losing it over stupid shit? Male menopause perhaps? Weight gain and irritability are there for sure.

I’ll keep an eye on it but in the meantime, it’s time for that 50 physical. 

Appointment is made. In the meantime, it’s time to up my exercise.

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