Wild Lettuce

After a rainy week, the sun was beaming above us and the grass was proof of the power of April showers – as were the tulips signaling we were in the month of May.

We have an alley off back of our property and if I have things I don’t want to throw out but don’t know what to do with, usually if I put them against our garage for a couple of days someone will find a new home for them.

When I went out back, I noticed the neighbour behind us sweeping in front of our garage. His kids were playing in the alley and he was just making sure there were no needles – which we have found one or two over our 17 years here. I thanked him anyway and then proceeded to gather up the supplies to finish the job. 

There was about half a garbage bag full of actual garbage, but a lot of dirt and brush from the massive weeds that grow between the alley pavement and the cement leading into our garage. Apparently it’s wild lettuce. Reluctant stuff. Every darn year. It’s hard to get the roots between that long stretch of thin space between the two forms of concrete.

I was out there for over an hour, and then I headed to the front yard where the grass was almost as tall and the dandelions were more plentiful than I think they’ve ever been. That was about another hour by the time I trimmed and swept the massive mounds of grass clippings. 

I have to train the kids to do some of these chores, but I wouldn’t stick them with this to start their learning off. I once cut grass up to my waist for my uncle’s boss. What a nightmare that was.

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