Assignment: Write a short passage (150-200 words max) x 2
- describe a character walking down a hallway
- write this twice, using two different points of view
Passage – Vantage Point 1
I’ve walked down this long hallway before. It’s a city block in length of windowless dank air. The first time I wandered these corridors was my second shift doing security for the psychiatric institute. This time however, the power was out and nobody had seen Harvey Wallbanger since last night. That someone was me; the guy that sent Harvey to solitary confinement for kicking the shit out of Cory Tallman over a chocolate bar and a Dr. Pepper. There really was nowhere else he could go. He was down here and it was likely him that cut the power. The basement had been leaking for years and by the damp stench, there wasn’t much left of the weeping tiles because that had to be raw sewage I smelt. I could see the rain flooding past the barred windows, with a steady stream of water running down the yellowish-white brick walls.
Passage – Vantage Point 2
Harvey could hear Jack’s steel-toe boots splash through the tiny puddles that formed on the basement floors every time it rained. The sound echoed all the way to the end of the hallway corridor where some 100 hundred yards away, Harvey waited with a tire iron to make Jack pay for sending him to the dreaded padded room. It was a fucking candy bar and a soda for Christ’s sake, Harvey had thought. Harvey was in the electrical room. He had turned off the breaker for the basement lights. Sometimes it was hard to tell how far the footsteps were as the storm outside grew louder. Harvey hid to the left just inside the closed doorway, planning to blind Jack by turning on the breaker, and jamming the rod he clenched tightly within his frost-bitten hands, through Jack’s eye socket. He had lost signal to Jack’s footsteps, when suddenly he felt a tap on his left shoulder.