WordPress Prompts – Our Growth (P1)

What experiences in life helped you grow the most?

WordPress prompts

Part 1

This is certainly a question that one could turn into a book all in itself. Actually, I think I sort of am. I’ve been writing for 120 days, talking a lot about moments in my past that have shaped me from a teacher believing in me, a coworker showing compassion when I didn’t deserve it, what parenting has taught me, or being an elected school board trustee meant to my self worth. So how does one break down those moments and summarize them into a few hundred words in my case?

So far, I have shared actual moments in this blog, and I will certainly have many more to share in the months to come. Getting a boat is up there. I didn’t know what to do. I had never owned one and had only driven them a handful of times. Doing something that intimidates you is certainly transformational. It gives us a sense of being able to accomplish anything. Going on this RV trip is no small feat either. At least with the boat, I didn’t include the kiddos in the test runs. Well, I guess I sort of did because there have been a few mishaps with all of us on board. 

Having my first article published in the newspaper I used to deliver as a youth and one that I was a member of the Junior Press Club, was a really big deal. Actually, everytime I am published, whether in this same paper or as a guest on another blog, it still brings near that same youthlike excitement. 

But these are memories on a timeline. With all of these individual acts, there is much more in the underlying experiences themselves, that makes them transformation within our growth.

Let’s dig deeper then, shall we?

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