Family Game Night

It’s 11:20 pm. We just finished first family game night. Our go-to’s are card games like Random things from our garage 31, President (we called it Asshole in high school), and hearts. 

For Christmas since the cat was out of the bag on the whole Santa thing, we started buying family gifts and this year, I picked up the game Blockbuster for us. 

Abby (my youngest), put the stickers on the game pieces and opened all of the card packs last night to get it prepared to play, and tonight we finally sat down to play it.

My wife (Tara), had to go back to work today so once dinner and dishes were done, she originally said she was done and needed to call it a night but about half an hour later, she came down with a second wind ready to kick our arse. She is a bit competitive.

The two youngest were familiar with the game although neither had played, so they led the way and it wasn’t long before we all got the gist and the acting, quotes and single word hints were flying in frustrated exuberance. 

For this game, you split into two teams. We managed to get through two games and neither time, was I or my eldest Emma on the winning side. To tell the truth, Hayleigh (my step-daughter), and my wife kicked all of our butts. 

The game is good for a lot of laughs but if I could give one hint, allow the person holding the clues to Google who actors are or movie posters . The game says 12+ but in the internet age, the number of movies they have seen is very limited. 

How does one act out Cassablanca to 3 teenagers? 

“Here’s looking at you kid.”

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