Paying Our Respects

My eldest and I went to a funeral tonight for a Scouter. 

My daughter had tapped out of Scouts during COVID but before mental health got the better of these kiddos, she was really enjoying the friendships and the leadership, and had even been voted to become a troop leader.

We both remembered this Scouter fondly and were saddened by his sudden passing at the age of 71. My daughter wanted to go pay her respects and had been coordinating a time when other Scouts – now Venturers – were going to attend this evening, but she was nervous. It had been awhile since she had saw everyone and she thankfully hasn’t been to many funerals so was unaware if she would be welcome.

Everyone recognized her and it was nice to see them all chatting and laughing under the circumstances. One thing I didn’t know going into this evening, was that both the Scouter and his wife and daughter were all involved. I had saw them all over the period my daughter was in Scouts but had never put two and three together.

We were there a good hour. She said it was hard to see Scouter Bill cry. He had served with Scouter Brian for sometime and he recollected the quiet campfire they had enjoyed  just last month while the troop were all asleep.

My mom and I have attended many funerals together over the years. Whether it’s a distance relative, a parent of a kid I played hockey with, or a friend of her dad’s, I learned the power of paying our respects and letting those who have crossed our paths, know what it meant to share space along our life’s journey.

Rest easy, scouter Brian. Thank you for your service and mentorship to the youth in our community.

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