You’re Not Fvcking Perfect

I missed a day. 

It’s going to happen. Julie Powell didn’t blog every day. Her goal was to make it through every recipe in a cookbook, however. Mine is to actually log daily entries.

In my poor defence, I totally forgot and passed out after our movie night. I still wrote a piece and postmarked it Dec. 7th. Cheating I know. Shoot me. I did two posts in one day and sent out my weekly newsletter.

I did panic though. I am a fairly laid back guy, but the worry is that one post turns into two, turns into a week, and then I get discouraged. I have tended to give up in the past. I’ve had this brutal need for perfection as far back as I can remember. My internal judgemnet of myself is far harsher than any words anyone could ever toss in my direction. 

‘You’re not fvcking perfect. Make goddam mistakes you jackass! We are all faulty so just live with it and have fun with the gifts you have. Admit when you are wrong, accept when you failed, and move on.’ 

Advice from 49-year old me to 100 year-old me. Both my grandfather and his mom came close to 100. Here’s hoping. Stuffs a snack pack of Cheez’it’s down his gullet.

It was interesting reading the post Julie made talking about the one year anniversary of the Sept 11th 2001 attacks. She talks about that ‘end of world’ feeling, not unlike I am sure many of us felt when we were sent home to work as the world shut down. Ironic how both our projects were born shortly after similar significant life-changing events. 

Did that horrible day inspire a ‘life is short’ burst of creative energy? 

I guess I’ll have to read on to find out.

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