Well, that was an exciting night on the tweety bird this evening. Between Elon’s free speech Twitter brigade and the masked Ye, there is no shortage of wtf’s.
I don’t remember who said this today but it was in reference to the Alex Jones interview with Ye where Ye discusses what he states are good qualities in Hitler and how he likes Nazis. This Tweeter states that rather than removing these types of offensive videos and basing our opinions on what mainstream media tells us happened, by allowing us to watch the raw human for ourselves, the court of public opinion takes care of itself. Black mask, the bible, a talking goldfish fish net and some sort of bottled liquid tell the story we need to see for ourselves.
Twitter of course isn’t alone in its suppression of free speech. We often see materials removed from YouTube for instance, and uploaded to alternative sites anyway so what really is the purpose?
‘Don’t look at the banned content behind the curtain.’
When you ban a book, movie, or in the case of tonight’s breaking news from Matt Taibbi regarding the suppression of the story of Hunter Biden’s laptop, all we are left with are small controversial and even out-of-context clips from those with their own agendas and the privilege to view the data and report what they want.
In a digital age, nothing ever really goes away so why not let us read or watch or listen for ourselves, and allow us to form our own opinions? This also gives us the benefit of kitchen and social media discussions and engaging in debate with millions of others who have also been able to absorb the original information and not the often biased opinions of MSM, politicians, or your crazy uncle Eggbert.